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The Da Silva Clinical and Pathological Research Institute (IDS) was founded on October 20, 2018 in Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil by Professor Marcello Henrique Araujo Da Silva. The Institute's main objective is to offer a quality service to Brazilian society and seek new advances in clinical and pathological research. All our work and investments are made based on current Brazilian legislation, we always think about quality and our responsibility towards the environment and the world. In the last 5 years, the Institute stopped working solely on research and started working on Brazilian health, founding Drogarias Da Silva. The integration of both companies generated the Da Silva Group, with clear values and bioethics responsibility towards its customers.

Research and teaching



Foundation of the Institute and beginning of scientific research and research and development consultancy activities


The company begins consulting on scientific projects and analyzing clinical research data in different lines and profiles of scientific and clinical studies.

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Implementation of the teaching and continuing education system

The implementation of the continuing education system was implemented on our platforms (website and app). Another leap of innovation for our customers.

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Da Silva Drugstores Foundation

Drogaria Da Silva was created in 2021, as a pharmaceutical retail branch of Instituto Da Silva. This branch created the Da Silva Group. The first unit was opened in Irajá - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, a family "enterprise" for renovation, construction and full of companionship. Our goal is to provide a differentiated service and transform a difficult moment in your life into a moment of hope and unity, to take care of what matters to you.

The venture was recognized for its innovation in the pharmaceutical retail segment and a matter was awarded to the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro and JUCERNA on September 7, 2021.

Information Technology


Lançamento do podcast 

O Argumento: Ciência

We developed the podcast to combat misinformation. Every week a scientist will talk to us about a different topic and add knowledge and content to our debate.

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Da Silva Group 

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