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Profissional Medico

There are six years of development Technological, scientific, and social

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1) When it comes to clinical research, you want the best consultancy for your research project, right?

IDS has more than five years of experience in basic, clinical and pathological research. This experience is more than evident in the scientific articles published, in the books and in the award for innovation in science obtained by our company. So let IDS take care of your project with the excellence of all the studies already conducted and with the security of a great team. Our chief researcher is a reviewer for 14 international journals indexed in MedLine.

Why choose IDS?

2) What is physical-chemical analysis?


Physicochemical analysis comprises a set of tests carried out, generally by chemical analysis laboratories, on samples of materials and products, whose main objective is to verify their physical and chemical properties and characteristics. Our company is also a specialist in residential and business water quality control and have you ever checked the quality of the water you drink?


3) How do we work in continuing education?

When it comes to continuing education for the health sector, my friend, you have arrived at the right place. IDS has the best teachers on the market. In our team we have specialists, masters, doctors and doctors. All renowned in the job market, a perfect union of "academic and professional routine" to always deliver the best to our students. IDS goes far beyond the classroom.




Published scientific articles


Scientific abstracts published in events


Published books


Prizes at events


Projects conducted



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